Studies in symmetry [game]: with pattern blocks.


Studies in symmetry [game]: with pattern blocks.


CR 516.1 S933


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The Studies in Symmetry with Pattern Blocks kit is a fun, hands-on way to learn about geometry! By allowing students to explore the principles of reflection and rotation in an experiential way, students will be able to develop a stronger understanding of these concepts.

The Studies in Symmetry kit contains 48 designs on 24 cards and 250 pattern blocks in an assortment of shapes and colours. Each design makes use of one geometrical operation (single line reflection, double line reflection, or rotation) and can require anywhere from 10 to 62 pattern blocks to complete. Students will be able to work their way from simpler operations to more complex ones, all the while building their understanding of the underlying geometrical principles.

Other activities using the Studies in Symmetry kit include discussing each design to work out the operations before applying the pattern blocks and using the pattern blocks to create new and unique designs on a blank sheet of paper.


CR 516.1 S933.jpg



“Studies in symmetry [game]: with pattern blocks.,” OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives, accessed March 19, 2025,