Pop cubes : large


Pop cubes : large


CR 510 P826


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This mathematics instructional material presents pupils in kindergarten through grade 8 with concepts of one-to-one correspondence, conservation of number, cardinal and ordinal values, fractions, area, volume, symmetry, graphical representations and sampling. Cubes interlock on all six sides to build squares, cubes, and other shapes and can be used to teach children about measurement, symmetry, mathematical operations, spatial relationships, and probability. Using these cubes pupils may be asked to sort, count, add, subtract, group, use Venn diagrams, determine volume and reproduce geometric patterns.

100 cubes (10 cubes for each of 10 colours) : plastic, color ; 2 x 2 x 3 cm in a plastic pouch 23 x 27 x 3 cm.


CR 510 P826.jpg




“Pop cubes : large,” OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives, accessed March 15, 2025, https://omekaoise.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/1122.