Frog life cycle : reversible puppet


Frog life cycle : reversible puppet


CR Puppet 101


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The green frog puppet has a zipper that, when opened, allows it to be turned inside-out to become a brown tadpole. A second zipper on the tadpole, located alongside the first zipper, allows the puppet to be enclosed within a white cloth egg.

Frog puppet is mottled green, with green and black plastic eyes, and a moveable peach-pink mouth. Tadpole puppet is mottled brown with black plastic eyes, sparkly semi-transparent beige fins and tail, and a moveable mouth. Egg puppet is sparkly white, with a circular holographic image of a small green tadpole sewn on.

Puppet is designed for use also as a stuffed animal.


CR Puppet 101.jpg


“Frog life cycle : reversible puppet,” OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives, accessed March 13, 2025,