Canada J-I-N-G-O


Canada J-I-N-G-O


CR 971 G864C


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Canada J-I-N-G-O is an educational bingo game that uses pictures rather than numbers to teach Canadian trivia. The game includes 30 player cards and 50 clue cards, as well as directions for game play and variations. Each square on the player cards shows the name and an image of a person, animal, activity, place, etc. The matching clue card show the name and image as well as three clues. To play, the leader draws the cards one at a time, reading one or more clues aloud from each card while players cover up the matching image on their card using pennies or squares of paper. For younger learners, the leader can simply show the card to the group or read the name aloud. With 30 player cards, this game can be played with the whole class as a way to reinforce knowledge of Canadian history, geography, and culture, and as a jumping off point for a class discussion of students’ experiences of Canadian places and activities.


May 16 manipulatives 053.jpg



“Canada J-I-N-G-O,” OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives, accessed March 14, 2025,