Digestive system model : model activity set


Digestive system model : model activity set


CR 612.3 D572 OVERSIZE


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The Digestive System Model is great for those teaching science for students of all ages, specifically  teaching about biology and life systems. The the model includes detailed visuals of the mouth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines in normal position. The stomach is enlarged and dissected to show structural details, and the small intestine is enlarged to show the blood and lymph vessels. This hands on 3-D model makes learning easier for students by providing them with a clear visual representation of the human digestive system.

The model includes a large (oversize) colourful model and an activity guide which includes a key with numbers corresponding to the numbers on the model, a glossary, an overhead transparency, a blackline master, and fifteen teacher-developed activities. This visual aid can help students learn more about the functions of the digestive system, such as ingestion, digestion, and the absorption of nutrients, and can be used as a demonstrative or group activity tool.


CR 612.3 D572 OVERSIZE.jpg


“Digestive system model : model activity set,” OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives, accessed January 10, 2025, https://omekaoise.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/683.