Word family dice


Word family dice


CR 428.1 W92414


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Each side of the six foam dice in this kit has a different word ending on it, such as -ight-ick, or -ame, for a total of 36 possibilities in all. To use this kit, just roll the dice! The word endings that the dice land on can then be used to build vocabulary and teach rhyming skills, by coming up with words that have the same word ending as the one shown on the dice. For example if a die lands on -ing, you might come up with ringsingspringthing, and king.

Aimed at children just learning to read, the Word Family Dice are a fun way to build language skills in the following areas: decoding and word recognition, identifying spelling patterns, vocabulary development, and recognizing and producing rhyming sounds. The Word Family Dice kit also includes a booklet with a number of suggestions of creative ways to use the Word Family Dice in your classroom. These include, for example, asking all of the children to come up with words for each roll of the dice or asking them to identify the words on a pre-made list which match the word ending they rolled.


CR 372.632 W924.jpg



“Word family dice,” OISE Library K-12 Manipulatives, accessed March 16, 2025, https://omekaoise.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/787.